An individual may benefit from meeting, in a supportive and safe environment that allows them to interact with other persons dealing with similar problems. Group therapy, specifically designed for sex addicts and/or spouse/partner of sex addicts, is recommended for those clients who have established a good foundation for their recovery in individual therapy. Click below to see more.
Individual counseling takes place in private, safe, one-on-one sessions. These sessions are 45-50 minutes long and focus on the presenting problems based on the completed assessment.
Usually one session is scheduled a week. However, depending on the time availability of the individual, the financial ability, and how fast they would like to pursue their recovery, some clients schedule more than one session per week.
Marital counseling is an effective way to confront marital problems. Couples counseling helps partners to understand and resolve conflicts and improve all areas of their relationship. Often, one or both of you, will be unable to know what the problem is. Marriage counseling gives both of you an opportunity to find out the existing problems, and to find a solution to deal with them. It may require one or both partners to change. Both partners will learn the skills and correct tools to use when communicating wants and needs. Both will learn how to relate to each other in a healthy and loving way. A new relationship can be created that will be fulfilling and enjoyable for both partners.
Couples counseling may be long- or short-term depending on the types and severity of the relationship issues that a couple is facing.
Most couple's sessions are a “double session” of approximately 90 minutes long, since couples issues are often multi-faceted therapy).
We can help you deal with the trauma that you have experienced due to your partner’s acting out. We will help you define, develop and maintain healthy boundaries, empowering you within the relationship, create safety, and self-care.
We can help you rebuild trust, develop intimacy, and learn how to move forward.
An individual or couple has the option of scheduling half day intensives, where we block out three to four hours with the intention of accelerating the therapy process or for addressing a crisis situation.Some clients live in an area where there is not a Christian counselor that is also a Certified Sexual Addiction Therapist. Others, who are high profile clients, or for other reasons, seek a therapist outside their local area. For these clients we offer regular phone sessions. Other special arrangements can also be made.
Counseling for New life has held one day to three day workshops and seminars that incorporate experiential learning. these structured events are facilitated by Young S. Lee and may last from a few hours to weekend retreats. We work closely with churches, public and private organizations, and corporations. Speaking engagements can be also arranged with Young Lee. few hours to weekend retreats